Feds Came and Went - Now What?

It was the biggest news story in Humboldt County since prop 215 was voted into law. Rumors of federal raids on marijuana growers started way before official announcements were made, and by the time the 450 federal agents executed 29 search warrants in "Operation Southern Sweep" nearly every news outlet had joined the fray.
We at Humboldt County News, not having any direct connection to either end of the federal investigation, professional news media, or any reliable informants, chose to sit back and watch the news happen from a distance. Now that it's over, we have some opinions to share and points to highlight.
The public reaction to both the rumors and the actual FBI took to one of two extremes. Some of the (mostly anonymous) comments on various blogs praised the feds for coming in and at least attempting to clean out some of the large-scale organized crime related to marijuana production. And yet other people criticized the federal action and lack of local backlash in response to hundreds of federal agents "invading" parts of our county.
Here's what we think: Growing pot for profit is illegal, and those who get nabbed for such crimes deserve it. Compassionate use, growing enough for yourself and within the limits defined by the state or county, is a good thing, and people who follow the rules should be protected by state law. The giant ring of suspected organized marijuana growing conspirators that the FBI and State DOJ raided on June 24 was not doing good for the community, they were little more than pot profiteers, consumed by their own greed and too deep into their 2000 acre grow project to maintain any realistic perspective. The feds brought some perspective, and surely the IRS will be slapping some large charges of tax evasion upon the criminals behind the scam.

To be honest, though, we were disappointed that the "sweep" wasn't more thorough. We still see countless growers around town flashing their black-market cash at stores, speeding down our streets in shiny $80k lifted pickup trucks, and spending their days driving from grow house to grow house to tend gardens and move illegal marijuana from place to place. Small time growers, keep up the small time work. Keep your day job, smoke your medicine, visit your local dispensary, whatever. But you big timers, evading taxes and raking in the black market cash, we wish you a visit from the feds some day, and a trip to court to explain how you managed to buy so many fancy things without ever working a real job or filing taxes.
Our community doesn't like big time crime, and we do not support big time criminal marijuana growing. Disagree? Just look at the local blogs and newspapers. Humboldt County is sick of greed, and we want our neighborhoods back. Even the NY Times covered that story.
<< Marijuana Legalization Could Be on November Ballots | DEA Busts Major Marijuana Grows In Willits >> |
false reporting
By you prick, on Jul 18, 2008 - 16:17lawyer
By Sam, on Jul 18, 2008 - 16:18new reporter
By samPHX, on Jul 18, 2008 - 16:39you dont reflect the opinions of Humboldt
By samPHX, on Jul 18, 2008 - 16:46The writer of this article needs to blow his own brains out with a gun, please: if you were ever considering it, consider again. You will not be missed. I found this site on accident: your entire life revolves around bitching. Thats makes you A BITCH!
By ------------, on Mar 2, 2009 - 21:34Fucking Police/dea/gov't
By Jeremy Pot smoker, on Mar 23, 2009 - 8:54DEA huh
By JEREMY BITCHES, on Mar 23, 2009 - 9:01im soo high right now man im gonna blow my smoke towards the cops we could care less in Tennessee and especially in cali whover first decided that pulling up marijuana plants benefits the economy must have been drunk lol which alcohol is a man made substANCE right along with many other easy legal ways for ppl to kill themselves its kinda funny how i have seizures dont drink and smoke pot and feel 2wice as good about my life than anylaw enforcement agency I mean they only work for the govt cuz they like to do as their told that ok yall can keep sucking off uncle sam im gonna get high and fuck around with ur wife whilst ur busy pulling up pot adios amigios
By ..., on Apr 20, 2009 - 21:17COPS END THEM.
Everyday, Dont Give A Shit
By Smoke Weed, on Jun 5, 2009 - 9:07You Have No Idea What Your Talking About.
my my
By passerby, on Jun 24, 2009 - 11:50AGAINST GROWERS
By Humboldt_resident, on Aug 28, 2009 - 15:30famedstrain89
By 24/7, on Sep 1, 2009 - 10:24to the guy with the dairy
By FOR GROWERS, on Oct 12, 2009 - 14:37anonamyous
By Anthony, on Nov 20, 2009 - 22:36just a random reader
By kiera, on Dec 14, 2009 - 0:49(deserved) defense have made pot partakers sound uneducated and ignorant and definately violent. If WE want to show people that marijuana should be legal I believe we should all present ourselves and points in a decent, educated, and most definately NON-VIOLENT manor. After all, most of us who are partakers of pot are definetly peaceful and non-violent. Good luck out there in California, I hope it works out for everyone.
oo ooo
By hefer, on Jan 29, 2010 - 21:21wow..
By midwestgrowop, on Feb 28, 2010 - 7:58awesome
By daddylongstroke, on Feb 28, 2010 - 18:32weed
By life is yurz, on May 18, 2010 - 12:52weed
By life is yurz, on May 18, 2010 - 13:11Ganja
By Healer, on May 24, 2010 - 21:09smoker
By smokersmoke smoker, on Nov 12, 2011 - 21:36