The State of Hate

Sadly, Proposition 8, the measure to ban same-sex marriages in California, seems to have passed by a pretty decent margin. It's a sad day for California, and a dark day for gay rights everywhere.
The SF Chronicle says "The flood of dollars that poured into the state from every part of the country made Prop. 8 the most expensive social issue race the nation has ever seen."
That flood of dollars they mention amounted to over $70 million, with the Yes side inching ahead by a few hundred thousand dollars. Either way, it is shocking that the same Californians who voted for Obama would deny homosexuals the right to marriage. Especially considering that Obama supports gay rights and equal right for all humans.
Results in California:
Voted for Barack Obama: 61.3%
Voted for Prop 8: 52.1%
At least here in Humboldt 60% of us voted against this hateful ballot measure. Shame on the other 40% for perpetuating hatred and denying a large group of Californians equal rights based on their sexual orientation. Way to push the human rights movement back a decade or so.
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i knew it, the author is a fag
By SamPHX, on Nov 6, 2008 - 17:02yup
By Dudson, on Nov 6, 2008 - 23:37Peace, Hater!
By rich, on Nov 7, 2008 - 6:57hate problems
By WIHSHWWi, on Nov 7, 2008 - 7:35i bet your parents are real proud to have a son who thinks anyone who supports equal rights for all humans without discrimination is homosexual because of it. also i am sure they would be proud that you grow pot in humboldt county and spew hatred anonymously on blogs.
we're all hoping that you get busted by the feds for your crimes, then go to prison where you get butt raped for a few years. you think we are all gay and full of hate for wanting to clean up our community and voting for equal rights? you are pathetic.
poor, poor, pathetic childish grower stuck in a fake world up in a secluded forest where the real america is hidden from you. sad!
good job dudson
By samPHX, on Nov 7, 2008 - 14:27actually
By marcus, on Nov 7, 2008 - 17:00what is the definition of marriage?
By samPHX, on Nov 7, 2008 - 17:33sam has a point but spews hatred
By SHC Bo$$, on Nov 7, 2008 - 23:22Hmmmmm
By TRUTH, on Nov 10, 2008 - 22:35
By Joe Cornish, on Nov 13, 2008 - 1:26Not Surprised by Author
By Guerrilla in the Midst, on Nov 25, 2008 - 11:58As the government does do silly things, it should do the same things for everyone regardless of their sexual preference. I would think it equally ridiculous to deny herbal cannabis therapy to a person due to their sexual preference as it is to deny them marriage rights.
Paying taxes on raw products is questionable to say the least. Why should anyone have to pay taxes on a product which is literally grown, cut, dried, and sold as medicine? I find the taxpayer argument as pointless as the proponents of the "legalize and tax the hell out of cannabis" proposals. Like that $5 per eighth tax initiative... why does the government need to apply a sales tax equal to the production cost?
But to say like the above poster that they'd rather "have growers than homosexuals," guess what? Humboldt County is full of both, deal with it.
Oh wow
By Katrina, on Mar 24, 2009 - 6:55My point is, maybe you should focus more on the effects the views cause rather than pitting two unrelated issues against each other.
Go Katrina
By Its me, on May 13, 2010 - 9:04I do have a few friends and family that are either gay or growers, but I don't visit them and I don't allow them to speak to me about their activities. I would have no love loss if the feds stepped in and reversed both laws.
Remember, An armed society is a polite society.
Humbolt State's segragated graduation.
By Dennis Kaufman, on May 25, 2010 - 6:34wow.
By Jazzmin, on Apr 19, 2011 - 21:15Hatred
By Rogue, on Jun 28, 2011 - 3:45Sodomite enjoys debased, depraved sexual behavior, why tell everyone what you care to do in your sexual life? I don't comprehend the need to elevate their depravity to the station of marriage, it sounds to me that they want the rest of us to legitimize their lifestyle, why? The lifestyle of sodomites is disgusting in the least and dangerous at best.
Sexual depravity of any sort should not be elevated or legitimized by giving the empramator of marriage to it. This is an attack on the family and I mean family in the sense of one man married to one woman and their children. Where will it end, men marrying animals or women marrying trees? These have already happened. If anyone takes the time to study great societies one will quickly realize their collapse was directly attributable to the collapse of the family unit.
I am certain all of this will fall on deaf readers since anyone can justify their own depravity to themselves. By the way saying that I am a bigot or hate monger because I have the common sense to know that sodomy is wrong an that claiming to be born that way is a farce, it is a depraved min that has chosen to submit to their own lusts to sexually gratify themselves in an unnatural way. No one is born gay each and everyone of them made a conscience choice to pursue a dark depraved, immoral illegitimate lifestyle that they try to foist on everyone else with pseudo-science and then putting up a smoke screen of you are an ignorant hateful bigot because you realize sodomy is wrong.
Quit trying to legitimize your sick lifestyle by telling the rest of us you were born that way and you have a right to legitimize that behavior by shrouding it in the institution of marriage.