ABC News Calls Arcata Marijuana Boomtown

Yikes. ABC News has an in-depth article on marijuana profits in, where else, Humboldt County, and how Arcata is basically marijuana central, home to weirdos and pot profiteers.
We're glad that Mary Spicuzza, author of the article published today on the ABC News website, noted that "tensions seem especially high" in Arcata due to the disagreements on the legality of such a highly profitable yet questionable industry. The article starts out describing Stephen Gasparas who owns the Arcata iCenter, and mentions that he makes about $100,000 from his marijuana business.
This surprises us, particularly because we are under the impression that it is not legal to turn a profit from medical marijuana, so it's interesting that Gasparas would reveal that he makes six figures and drives a brand new Toyota SUV. Are growers and dealers here so comfortable today that they don't even give a crap about the fact that growing pot for profit is illegal?
The article also discusses tax revenue from marijuana, stating that only $143 million in marijuana sales are reported annually statewide, netting $11.4 million in tax revenue. But conservative estimates of gross sales in Humboldt County alone are steady at $500 million, and Cal NORML even estimates that Californians grow/smoke/sell as much as $2 billion worth of marijuana each year. Where's the rest of the tax revenue? Oh right, there isn't any more, because the vast majority of marijuana growers and dealers in Humboldt County (and surely all of California) are actively evading taxes and dealing their cash crops to the highest bidders, especially out of state dealers. Then what do they do with their ill-gotten money? They buy fancy trucks and SUVs, of course.
So what happened to the feds? They rolled in and raided a fairly wimpy ring of suspected growers, somehow missing out on the half billion dollar industry that is largely criminal and illegal. Well, whatever. With articles like this getting national attention, it won't be long before they return...
<< Eureka House Fire the Result of You-Know-What | Marijuana Grow House Burns Down in Weott >> |
By Humboldt Thug, on Sep 14, 2008 - 21:10profit
By Humboldt Thug, on Sep 14, 2008 - 21:13$100,000 is fair for working 7 days a week 10 hours a day.
By Humboldt Thug, on Sep 16, 2008 - 11:59I don't understand why people dislike these cooperatives so much. The alternative for patients is to buy off of the street corner or from shady criminals in apartment complexes and such, as if that is better. My personal opinion is that the naysayers are so prejudiced that they will continue to be against any progress. In private and anonymously, they use words like "doper" and we all know what word that sounds like.
Co-operative Operator
By halo, on Sep 24, 2008 - 21:56Ag guidlines sectionb part 4
4. Collectives Should Acquire, Possess, and Distribute Only Lawfully
Cultivated Marijuana: Collectives and cooperatives should acquire marijuana
only from their constituent members, because only marijuana grown by a qualified
patient or his or her primary caregiver may lawfully be transported by, or
distributed to, other members of a collective or cooperative. (§§ 11362.765,
11362.775.) The collective or cooperative may then allocate it to other members of
the group. Nothing allows marijuana to be purchased from outside the collective or
cooperative for distribution to its members. Instead, the cycle should be a closedcircuit
of marijuana cultivation and consumption with no purchases or sales to or
from non-members. To help prevent diversion of medical marijuana to nonmedical
markets, collectives and cooperatives should document each member’s
contribution of labor, resources, or money to the enterprise. They also should track
and record the source of their marijuana.
Ag guidelines pection B part 6
6. Permissible Reimbursements and Allocations: Marijuana grown at a
collective or cooperative for medical purposes may be:
a) Provided free to qualified patients and primary caregivers who are
members of the collective or cooperative;
b) Provided in exchange for services rendered to the entity;
c) Allocated based on fees that are reasonably calculated to cover
overhead costs and operating expenses; or
d) Any combination of the above.
Learn to read
Taxes, Drugs, Govmnt, big business
By rushbeno, on Oct 12, 2008 - 11:18Big business and Government work hand in hand. The biggest business in the US in drug running. Figure it out. Drug revenue is "money for nothing".
Do you really think the feds DON'T have a have their hand in the "POT" (so to speak).
Why is it still illegal (pot) that is.
Because legally it's too eaily "produced by the masses" and the gov't would lose lots of "$ for nothing".
no gov
By blancostine, on Oct 13, 2008 - 8:15Prices never dropped
By Shai Hulud, on Oct 6, 2009 - 13:57Even at $350 and Oz, there is at least 700% profit being made.
blancostine, decide who you are
By its me, on May 13, 2010 - 8:23Remember, An armed society is a polite society.